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Joe Purdy

Whiskey and Fish Unknown Location

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Yesterday I went wandering so I could ease my head
So I laid right down and I closed my eyes on top of a river bed
I laid right down and I closed my eyes on top of a river bed

I walked to the river falls and they took me right in
Well they fed me fish and whiskey and then I went to sleep again
Well they fed me fish and whiskey and then I went to sleep again

I guess there I saw Samantha, she was standing on the rise
And I said, "Lord if I am dreaming please don't let me open my eyes"
And I said, "Lord if I am dreaming please don't let me open my eyes"

Well the rain let up and the sun came out and Samantha took my hand
She led me down to the water's edge and then we dove right in
She led me down to the water's edge and then we dove right in

I said, "Oh sweet Samantha you know that I could fall for you
But I know that you would leave me here before the morning dew
But I know that you would leave me here before the morning dew"

She said, "Yes it's true I have to go, but I hope you won't forget
The time you closed your eyes and laid right down on a river bed
The time you closed your eyes and laid right down on a river bed"

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